The Germ Theory Of Disease Causation
                             By: Robert & Kerrie Broe  

           "Even if all the experts agree, they may well be mistaken."
                                                        Bertrand Russell   

Misconceptions about health are ingrained in our culture.  The road to
understanding the process of maintaining and restoring health has been a
long and twisted one.  From ancient and intuitive knowledge, science has
taken over, made colossal errors, and clings to them for dear life.  

There was a rejection of wisdom or scientific discovery in favor of a more
popular, convenient, or politically desirable system.  Just as Socrates was
poisoned for his ideas, and Galileo was forced by a fanatic clergy to withdraw
his statements about astronomy, ignorance and power can be a dangerous

We do not catch diseases.  We build them.  We have to eat, drink, think, and
feel them into existence.  We work hard at developing our diseases.  We must
work just as hard at restoring health.  The presence of germs does not
constitute the presence of a disease.  

Bacteria are scavengers of nature...they reduce dead tissue to its smallest
element.  Germs or bacteria have no influence, whatsoever, on live cells.  
Germs or microbes flourish as scavengers at the site of disease.  They are
just living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished,
nonresistant tissue in the first place.  

They are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies and maggots cause
garbage.  Flies, maggots, and rats do not cause garbage but rather feed on it.  

Mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant!  You always see
firemen at burning buildings, but that doesn't mean they caused the fire.  

Traditional Western medicine teaches and practices the doctrines of French
chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895).  Pasteur's main theory is known as the
Germ Theory Of Disease.  It claims that fixed species of microbes from an
external source invade the body and are the first cause of infectious disease.  

The concept of specific, unchanging types of bacteria causing specific
diseases became officially accepted as the foundation of allopathic Western
medicine and microbiology in late 19th century Europe.  

Also called monomorphism (one-form), it was adopted by America's
medical/industrial complex, which began to take shape near the turn of the
century.  This cartel became organized around the American Medical
Association, formed by drug interests for the purpose of manipulating the
legal system to destroy the homeopathic medical profession.  

Controlled by pharmaceutical companies, the complex has become a trillion-
dollar-a-year business.  It also includes many insurance companies, the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), hospitals, and university research

The microbian doctrine gave birth to the technique of vaccination that was
blindly begun in 1796 by Edward Jenner.  Jenner took pus from the running
sores of sick cows and injected it into the blood of his

Thus was born a vile practice immunization/vaccination whose nature has
changed little to this day, and whose understanding is still clouded by
Pasteur's theory.  

This also gave birth to the development of antibiotics, the first being penicillin
in 1940.  An antibiotic is the poisonous waste from one germ used in the
attempt to kill another.  Penicillin is the poison from a fungus.  

This has created the proliferation of aggressive and stubborn forms of
resistant strains that haunt us today.  

The Rife Universal Microscope, developed in the late 1930's and early 1940's,
clearly established that germs (microorganisms) are the result of disease
(scavengers of dead cells) rather than the cause thereof.  

If germs are involved, they arise as primary symptoms of that general
condition.  Though germs don't cause disease, secondary symptoms are
produced in response to their activity (commonly called the disease).  One
reason the conventional medical community doesn't see the big picture is
their means of looking at it.  A lot depends on how you look at it and what you
look at it with.  

During the study and interpretation of stained tissue sections in microscope
preparations, the observed product is the end result of a series of processes
that considerably distort the image observable in the living tissue, mainly
through shrinking and retraction.  

It has been suggested in the past that the electron-microscopic specks
identified as viruses could, more than likely, be nothing more than particles of
lifeless, degraded protein.  

It has been reported by researchers searching for the hypothetical
that viruses can "mimic" human tissue!  They are human tissue.  

Dr. Antoine Bechamp, M.D, noted the importance of lifestyles as the key to
prevention and success against all diseases almost 150 years ago!  He
backed it up with thorough scientific precision, as a practicing physician and
researcher who was degreed in and a university professor of chemistry,
biology, physics and pharmacy.  

The sound conclusions of Bechamp for lifestyle changes such as wholesome
nutrition and environmental, hygienic cleanliness were ignored in favor of
"solutions" that profited industry and required "heroic" medical

The whitewashing of Antoine Béchamp from history was so thorough as to
assign credit for his works to others such as Louis Pasteur.  

Antoine Bechamp was the foremost pioneer of science, medicine, nutrition
and genetics all at once.  The lack of recognition for this is a literary loss to
history, and has resulted in tremendous physical loss to humanity for

Béchamp noted the importance of taking care of one's self for prevention of
disease.  He was a champion of self-responsibility.  He noted that germs
abounded in unhealthy environments but were notably checked in healthful
             Rife Microscope
Rife's ordinary microscope (with 31,000 diameters resolution), was capable of
detail and clarity surpassing the newly emerging electron microscopes.  Its
use of prismatically dispersed natural light frequencies, rather than electron
beams and acid stains, allowed clear views of living subjects.  

In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but the
chemical constituents of these microorganisms enacting upon the
unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produce the
disease symptoms.  

Disease-associated microorganisms do not originally produce the condition,
which has supported their morbid evolution in the body.  

 Biological Terrain
A healthy or diseased biological terrain is determined primarily by four things:
its acid/alkaline balance (pH); its electric/magnetic charge (negative or
positive); its level of poisoning (toxicity); and its nutritional status.  

Within a cell's wall, all the chemicals and components acting together make
up life.  Nothing within the cell is believed to be alive of itself.  But, when you
look at live blood, you can observe that microorganisms undergo an exact,
scientifically verifiable cycle of change in their form.  

As profound as the change of a caterpillar to a butterfly, this evolution is even
more fantastic, since it can happen quite rapidly (sometimes in a matter of

There are no enemies or specific diseases to fight.  There is only the
consequence of balance or imbalance.  The universe seems to operate by
keeping opposites in balance.  When things get out of balance, a sign usually
appears to make it known.  

Health is balance in the system.  If you want to see a rough comparison of
what's happening in a sick body, try not cleaning your house for about a

In that environment, all kinds of small
"guests" will come out of nowhere to
take up residence with you.  Similarly, the stresses of our wrong eating habits
and way of life
"dirty up" our inner environment.  

Our terrain becomes overly acidic (pH imbalance)--paving the way for
unwanted guests.  In this unbalanced environment, morbid bacteria can issue
from our own cells.  

These tiny life forms can rapidly change their form and function.  Through a
process called pleomorphism, (pleo = many; morph = form), bacteria can
change into yeast, yeast to fungus, fungus to mold.  

Microorganisms such as a specific bacterium, can take on multiple forms.  
This is a change of function as well as shape.  It's analogous to someone with
multiple personalities, the person's physiology changes with the personality

Dr. E.C. Rosenow of the Mayo Biological Labs, and other bacteriologists,
demonstrated that a media change could alter streptococci to pneumococci
and the food change back would reverse pneumococci to streptococci.  

This showed that bacteria are scavengers of nature and being essentially
bags of enzymes, alter their shape and enzyme production for the purpose of
dissolving to its smallest element whatever dead tissue is present.  

In addition to pH and pleomorphism, we need to consider a most important
concept--the difference between the symptoms of a disease and the disease

In pleomorphism, a so-called species is just a stage in the growth cycle of a
family of beings.  Each member functions differently and looks a lot different
from the others.  

What most people call a
"disease" is really a symptom or a collection of
symptoms.  For example, cancer tumors are symptoms, which is why trying
to fight them has resulted in the epidemic we have today.  

What people commonly think of, as causes of disease, are symptoms.  In this
category are bacteria, yeast, and their descendants.  When germs are
involved in illness, they are producing, or influencing the body to produce,
secondary symptoms.  

In orthodox medicine, these secondary symptoms are thought of as the
disease.  The answer though, lies in the condition of your terrain.  Is it in
balance?  Or will it support the development of unwanted guests?  

Once it gets going, the imbalance becomes a vicious circle.  In pH imbalance,
body tissues are on the acid side.  The acid condition is promoted by a
number of things, the main ones being food types and poor digestion.  

In poor digestion, food is either fermenting or putrefying.  In the early stages
of the imbalance, the outer symptoms may not be very intense and are
frequently treated (manipulated) with drugs.  

They include such things as: skin eruptions, headaches, allergies, colds and
flu, and sinus problems.  As things get further out of balance, more serious
conditions arise.  Weakened glands, organs and systems start to give way--
thyroid, adrenals, the liver, etc.  

Unfortunately, symptom manipulation plays a major role in creating worse
symptoms later.  But most people don't consider or realize this when they go
for the quick medical fix.  

Even most doctors are not aware, or aren't telling.  The medical,militaristic
approach is a substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over
food, in which we are feeding people poisons (drugs), trying to correct
(attack) the reactions of starvation.  

Lack of understanding creates fear, but when we understand that both health
and disease are created by our own living and eating habits, then there is no
longer any fear of

Our individual immune systems are inescapably linked to the planet Earth, of
whose substance we are made.  The entire planet Earth, the complete geo-
sphere, has its own functioning immune system, a self-protecting,
regenerating, healing system.  

When we are not integrated in that system, or we harm that system, the
inevitable result is our own degeneration.  There is no blessing that anyone
has ever received that was not linked to the Earth, even if it came from the
Rudolf Virchow, father of the germ theory, stated in his later years, "If I could
live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their
natural habitat--diseased tissues--rather than causing disease."

Pasteur (1822-1895) and Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) jointly gave to the civilized
world the disease theory doctrines of microbiology and immunology before
vitamins, trace elements, and other nutrients had even been discovered.  

From their efforts and dubious discoveries, vaccines became vogue and were
embraced by leading medical scientists--those longing for a sound and
simple explanation for the inexplicable.  

What makes the germ theory so dangerous is that it seems so obviously true.  
But it is true only secondarily.  

Bechamp said:
"There is no doctrine so false that it does not contain some particle of truth.  It
is thus with microbian doctrines."  

Bechamp discovered Microzyma (now known as micro-organisms) minute or
small ferment bodies--the basic structure of cell life; and that germs definitely
are the result, not the cause of disease.  

Through his experiments he showed that the vital characteristics of cells and
germs are determined by the soil in which their microzyma feed, grow and
multiply in the human body.  

Both the normal cell and germ have constructive work to do.  The cells
organize tissues and organs in the human body.  Germs cleanse the human
system and free it from accumulations of pathogenic and mucoid matter.  We
are constantly breathing in some 14,000 germs and bacteria per hour.  If
germs are so harmful, why aren't we all dead?  

In the primary stages of inflammation (pus formation), the bacteria present are
streptococci but as blood cells and tissues further disintegrate, the
turn into the staphylococcus--changing into forms native to their new
surroundings of dead tissues.  

Bacteria do not have any action on live cells; only dead cells.  They are not
the cause of disease but the result thereof.  That's why in many cases of
pneumonia; the pneumococci don't appear on the scene until 36 to 72 hours
after the onset of the disease.  

His biological work might then have revolutionized medicine with profound
insight into the nature of life.  But in a political world, he found himself up
against a skillful politician with wealthy connections--Louis Pasteur.  

Antoine Bechamp was a scientist, while apothecary Pasteur was a chemist
with no education in life sciences, and an advertiser, plagiarized the research
of Bechamp, distorted it, and submitted it to the French Academy of Science
as his own!  

And by making public these premature research findings, Pasteur had a
devoted following--people acclaiming him a scientific genius.  Pasteur was
responsible in large part for the onslaught of animal experimentation in
medical research.  

Pasteur used preparations made from the diseased tissues of previously sick
animals, thus making the injected ones sick.  This gave the appearance that a
germ caused a disease, when if fact these preparations were extremely

This is not a scientific procedure, but simply demonstrates the fact that you
can make someone sick by poisoning his or her blood.  Based on his theory
of microzymas, Bechamp warned emphatically against such direct and
artificial invasion of the blood.  

The German bacteriologist, Robert Koch, set forth rules by which
microorganisms could be ruled as the cause of a disease or discounted as
non-pathogenic (good) germs.  

He provided his famous Postulates Of Koch to assist in making the
differentiation.  The only problem was that none of the microorganisms, in
practice, could satisfy the requisites necessary to confirm them as the cause
of any given disease.  

Unfortunately, when these demands of causation failed to qualify a bacterium
as the responsible culprit, a great void was left in the philosophy of medical
sciences most cherished fantasy--the Microbe Theory of disease causation.  

When the inconsistencies of the germ theory of disease threatened the
bacteria/disease premise, Eli Metchnikoff (1845-1916) bolstered the shaky
germ theory of disease causation by revealing novel concepts about
leukocytic phagocytosis (how certain white blood cells engulf foreign agents
in the circulating blood and tissues), starting the indomitable Theory of

The newly developed concepts of Metchnikoff erased the obvious
inadequacies of the germ theory: why everyone exposed to the same
microbe didn't develop the disease.  Theoretical immunology per Ehrlich,
Pasteur and Metchnikoff could now explain the whys and why-nots.  

If a person's immune cells were smart and could recognize the enemy--the
invading bacterium--then phagocytosis immediately engulfed and destroyed
the invader.  

If the leukocyte was incompetent (by whatever strange reason) the invader
took control and proceeded to destroy the victim.  The answer was to educate
the leucocytes so they could recognize and destroy the invading

This Platonic academia gave rise to the theory that injection of disease
residues, (fractions of pus, into a healthy person), would provoke an immune
reaction (the antigen/antibody theory).  

Thus, a sharpening up of leucocytes so they could recognize the invader and
engulf it.  Our bodies are densely populated with microorganisms, inside and
out.  What inhabits us doesn't hurt us and is essential to us.  We live in a
symbiotic, mutually beneficial, mutually necessary relationship with our
personal population of bacteria.  

Leeuwenhoek discovered life on man with a 17th-century microscope and
with unbiased detachment, contemplated the host of living things living on
himself--not as disease causation.  

Social attitudes have developed over bacteria in relation to dirt, filth or
cleanliness.  Even Freudian views have entangled bacteria with sexual

Pasteur stated later in his career that germs and bacteria are not the exact
and primary cause of disease.  He abandoned his earlier beliefs on the Germ
Theory and became convinced that the disease came first, the germ second.  

He stated:
"The presence in the body of a pathogenic agent is not necessarily
synonymous with infectious disease."
 Pasteur was aware that fermentation
(which he studied extensively while formulating his germ theory) only occurs
in injured, bruised or dead material, and that bacteria are a natural result of
fermentation, not the cause.  

He realized later that germs and bacteria change their form according to their
environment.  Unfortunately, the stepping-stones of modern-day medicine
were already in place and Pasteur could not reverse the situation.  

The germ theory, virus theory, genetic theory and autoimmune theory--
contemporary disease causation theories--are all based upon and rely upon

Immunology is based upon and must be supported by Darwinian concepts of
evolution.  Pull out the evolutionary foundation and all the prevailing theories
collapse; the highly publicized, but nonexistent, advances of modern
medicine are exposed as scatologists!  

Nonetheless, the germ theory is still believed to be the central cause of
disease, because around it exists a global supportive infrastructure of
commercial interests that built multi-billion-dollar industries based upon this
The Virus Theory can't survive the basic requisites of scientific scrutiny to
remain a theory, much less become a Law.  

Bacteriologists all over the world began filtering for viruses, and a new area of
biology was born--virology.  

Historically, medical science has vacillated on the question of whether a virus
is alive.  Originally it was described as nonliving, but is currently said to be an
extremely complex molecule or an extremely simple microorganism, and is
usually referred to as a parasite having a cycle of life.  

Commonly composed of either DNA or RNA cores with protein coverings,
and having no inherent reproductive ability, viruses depend upon the host for

They must utilize the nucleic acids of living cells they infect to reproduce their
proteins, which are then assembled into new viruses like cars on an
assembly line.  Theoretically, this is their only means of surviving and
infecting new cells or hosts.  

Underlying the birth of virology was the doctrine of monomorphism--that all
microorganisms are fixed species, unchangeable; that each pathological type
produces only one specific disease; that microforms never arise
endogenously, i.e., have absolute origin within the host; and that blood and
tissues are sterile under healthy conditions.  

Theoretically, under ideal health conditions, the blood might be sterile,
though it has the inherent potential to develop morbid microforms, as
discussed earlier.  Long and repeated observation of live blood in the phase-
contrast, dark-field microscope, however, shows that the blood can contain
various microforms in an otherwise asymptomatic host, or in a condition, or
in a condition defined as normal or healthy in orthodox terms.  

Monomorphism was the cornerstone of developments in 20th-century
medical research and treatments.  

Refusal by the mainstream to examine fairly, much less accept, the
demonstrated facts of pleomorphism--that viruses and bacteria, yeast, fungi
and mold, are evolutions from microzyma; that microforms can rapidly
change their form (evolve and devolve) in vivo, one becoming another,
dependent upon conditions in the biological terrain (environment); that blood
and tissues are not necessarily sterile; and that there are no specific
diseases, but only specific disease conditions--was the foundation of the

It is so called because those who wore the
"robes" of scientific authority
would not be swayed from folly when resented with its contrary proofs.  
These proofs began in earnest with Antoine Bechamp in the nineteenth-

In the early third of the 20th-century, the heated debate took place over
filterable bacteria versus non-filterable.  This was a major battle concerning
micro morphology.  

The orthodox view prevailed: bacterial forms were not small enough to pass,
or did not have a smaller, earlier stage.  What passed through
filters was something else, i.e., viruses.  

With the victory of the monomorphic view, deeper understanding of
"disease" was lost, setting the stage for cancer, degenerative
symptoms and AIDS.  

A typical bacterium is about 1 micron in size.  Most filterable forms now called
viruses range in size from 0.3 micron to 0.01 micron--partially in the colloidal
range.  Most of the larger viruses are a third to a quarter the size of the
average bacterium.  

Size is critical because 0.3 microns is the resolution limit of modern-day light
microscopes.  Unfortunately, electron microscopes and the process of
chemical staining disorganize all specimens.  

As viruses became visible to advancing technology, the ramification was that
the technology revealed, to minds infected with monomorphism, protein
structures deemed foreign to the body.  

What is really known about viruses is that they are, according to
"the most efficient of the self-reproducing intracellular
 Yet, in the next sentence: "Viruses are unable to generate
metabolic energy or to synthesize proteins."
--It's a paradox.    

Maybe someday soon, with improvements in the electron microscope, we will
find out that what are now being called and classified as viruses will prove to
be intracellular crystallizations of protein catabolism--meaning the destructive
process by which complex substances are converted into simple

Volumes could be written about the assumptions, theories and hypothesis
associated with immunology, the germ theory and the virus theory.  
Virologists today will state that the
"virus" remains dormant and hidden in the
body and some leading authorities reveal that these little trick-or-treaters are
actually hiding in the nerve sheaths.  

If the concept of immunology can in any way be substantiated, then evolution
has really let us down.  The only thing that benefits from evolutionary
progress is the microbe that outsmarts man, the virus that outsmarts the cell
membrane and the rodent that by-passed man 65 million years ago
(approximate time that man supposedly lost his ability to manufacture vitamin

If the antigen/antibody reaction is true...we have also been outwitted by
anaphylaxis (an exaggerated reaction of an organism to an injected foreign
protein.  Such an injection renders the animal or human hyper-susceptible to
a subsequent injection) which cannot exist under the circumstances.  

Dr. W. H. Manwaring, Professor of Bacteriology and Experimental Pathology
at Leland Stanford University proclaimed:

"Not only is there no evidence of these so-called antibodies being formed.  But
there is grounds for believing that the injected germ proteins hybridize with the
body proteins to form new tribes, whose characteristics and effects cannot be

Even non-toxic bacterial substances sometimes hybridize with serum
albumins to form specific poisons which continue to multiply, breed and cross-
breed, ad infinitum, doing untold harm as its reproductivity may continue while
life lasts."
 He continued, "In spite of millions of dollars spent on research and
tens of millions spent in commercial exploitation, of 100 theoretically logical
monovalent, polyvalent, prophylactic and curative anti-sera, 95% of them were
thrown into the clinical discard.  

The same thing is true of vaccines...and we call this scientific medicine.  
Twelve years of study with immuno-physiological tests have yielded a mass of
experimental evidence contrary to, and irreconcilable with, the Ehrilich theory,
and have convinced me that his conception of the origin, nature and
physiological role of the specific "anti-bodies" is erroneous."  

Many harmful and unexpected reactions occurred during the original
experimentation.  Nevertheless, it was assumed that since man and animal
derived from the same evolutionary beginnings, the disease residues could
first be injected into animals and animal serum would produce antibodies
acceptable to humans.  

That particular concept was not appetizing to the average scientist until
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) assumed the
"evidence" that man and lower
animals were indeed blood brothers.  

According to Dr. Frances K. Widmann, M.D., Associate Professor of
Pathology at Duke University said in her 1979 printing of Clinical
Interpretation of Laboratory Tests:

"The fact that a patient's serum contains a particular antibody does not prove
that his ongoing or recent illness was due to that organism.  If serum has little
or no antibody at the beginning of an illness, and if high levels are present in
the "convalescent" sample drawn several weeks later, there is strong
circumstantial evidence only, that the illness was due to that organism."  

She continues:

"The war between microorganisms (germ and viruses) continues
unremittingly.  "Wonder drugs" have not eradicated infectious disease; they
have merely changed the conditions and natural history of many infections.  

Organisms (microbes) display remarkable adaptative capacity, so that drugs
effective today become ineffective against the same type of infection

Isn't it strange that modern scientists have become so deeply entrenched in
the microbial infection theory of disease causation that they are unable to
comprehend that infection is not infection...but inflammation.  

Few people will consider chronic poisoning and/or malnutrition as possible
factors in the futile search for disease eradication.  

Since viruses don't have a reproductive mechanism, they must use the host
cell to reproduce.  But perhaps the reason they can't replicate outside the cell
is that they're not intended to.  Perhaps something in the cell is producing or
becoming viruses for a reason.  

There is the possibility that a virus may have a complex of microzymas in the
center.  And, as with bacteria, monomorphic medical science offers no
explanation as to where these forms come from in the first place.  

Pleomorphism, however, easily suggests an answer.  
Disease conditions weaken our enzyme system so that
"improper" repair
structures can be formed.  

Since enzymes must have minerals to function, even a simple mineral
deficiency could be involved in the failure of gene repair.  A faulty protein
structure may still have the ability to get into the DNA, but it may cause

If so, it would fail to fulfill properly its original purpose, and possibly instigate
another morbid situation in the cell as well.  Another possibility is that even if
the repair structure is correct, nutritional deficiency or depletion of the
enzyme potential may prevent proper function.  

Once a protein structure is floating around, it could evolve into a higher
morbid form itself, depending on circumstances.  It may evolve into a
bacterium.  This has been well documented in the lost chapters in the history
of medical biology.  And in a compromised terrain, today's bacterium can be
tomorrow's terrain-poisoning yeast, fungus, or mold.  

Pasteur denied that bacteria could change their form.  Only the unchanging,
specific germs of the air were the cause of disease, he said.  Bechamp, on the
other hand, never denying that the air carried germs, maintained that airborne
forms were not necessary for disease.  

Pasteur wished to establish that we must be invaded (and therefore be
protected by profitable vaccination).  But the true scientist showed that an
independently living element, which could morbidly evolve, already exists in
all cells of the body, and showed evidence that it is all that is needed for the
appearance of symptogenic organisms.  

The body naturally has within it the factors and potential necessary to
produce the symptoms of disease, including microorganisms.  It means we
also have the innate ability to become, and to stay, healthy.  

Whether Pasteur or Bechamp is correct may still be an issue for some
people.  It does seem unusual, though, that Antoine's name, and the
controversy itself, have been omitted from history, medical and biology
books--even encyclopedias.  

Given the magnitude and number of Bechamp’s discoveries, it is more-than-
likely that this omission is more than oversight.  The historical assassination
of Antoine Bechamp resulted in medical science drawing conclusions from a

This has meant untold misery for the human race, especially in the West.  The
resulting concept of diseases as entities that attack us is highly questionable
and is a major block to resolving health care issues today.  

The odd thing is, Pasteur himself was reported to have admitted on his
deathbed that,
"Claude Bernard was right--the microbe is nothing, the terrain
is everything."

But, even as he way dying, he would not give credit for the demonstration of
this fact to whom it was due--Antoine Bechamp. One organism can rapidly
assume many forms and it may be in several stages at once.  

The toxins (acids) from the whole spectrum of these microforms combine to
produce symptoms, or provoke the body to produce them.  

The toxic output of yeast, fungus and mold is a primary disruptive influence in
the body.  But, it is not the microforms themselves that initiate disease.  They
only show up because of a compromised biological terrain.  

Pleomorphism is observable if only medical science will take the trouble to
look.  Once this cycle of development has begun, it further compromises the
terrain, creating a vicious circle of imbalance.  

As explained earlier, humans rely on certain microorganisms for life, as does
every higher organism on Earth.  They reside primarily in our digestive tract.  

This is an incontestable fact.  It isn't much of a stretch to imagine that other
forms could take over if the habitat changes.  Invasion is not necessary for
this to happen.  They can evolve right out of any cell.  

To understand the principles of pleomorphism and terrain is to understand
why we are sick and tired.  

Once we understand why we are sick and tired, we can start making the
necessary changes in our lifestyle to bring our bodies back into balance.  

Watching live blood on a slide, or on a video, one can actually see bacteria,
yeast, fungus and mold feeding and growing as the blood loses its nutrition
and oxygen.  

Most amazing is to see these forms coming right out of previously healthy red
and white blood cells!  They live off your body's vital nutrients: glucose,
protein, fats, hemoglobin, tissues and organs.  They disorganize, or change
form, in the presence of oxygen.  

The American medical establishment does not look at live blood.  They focus
primarily on chemical analysis to make their diagnosis, and in doing so, are
missing the show.  

Once a person has made the corrections necessary to reclaim their inner
terrain, their blood is again examined under the microscope.  It's plain to see
when the symotogenic microforms are reduced or have been completely

The bottom line is that we must provide an appropriate environment for our
tiny life units.  We must deal with them on their level, for after that they will
become what they must, and no amount of manipulation with drugs will stop
their evolution or completely subdue their progeny.  If it could, it would be the
end of the host as well.  

While humans, higher plants and animals are alive; bacteria, yeast, fungus
and mold are unable to overcome entirely the natural balancing mechanisms
that higher forms of life possess.  But once the host organism dies, these
microforms are the principal
"undertakers" which reduce the higher life form
into basic materials.  

One of the symptoms of terrain imbalance is lack of oxygen.  These morbidly
evolved organisms thrive without oxygen, i.e., they are anaerobic.  We
predispose ourselves to this takeover with various stresses.  The main ones
are chronic improper diet and/or other chronic toxicity.  Emotional upheaval
and unloving thoughts, anger, etc., have a strongly acidifying effect in the

These morbidly evolved organisms are literally eating us alive and polluting
us.  The thing is, we pollute ourselves first, thus creating the one
physiological disease: pH imbalance/toxicity in our biological terrain.  

Toxins and an acid-forming diet disrupt body chemistry, and this loss of
balance in turn disturbs the central balance of the microzyma.  Nutritional
deficiencies can have the same effect, but can also be created by

Unless fatal or permanently damaging, an acute toxicity in a healthy terrain
will only temporarily disrupt things and minimally disturb the microzymas,
with a quick return to balance.  

Otherwise, in the chronic situation the one sickness follows: the evolution of
microzymas into bacteria and ultimately into a yeast and fungus infestation.  
Yeast and fungus can infest the blood and any cell or tissue, resulting in a
wide range of symptoms.  

The primary diet of yeast and fungus in our bodies is glucose for energy, plus
fats and protein (even our genetic nucleic acids) for development and

As these organisms feed, they produce waste, just like you do.  Their
and feces"
are called mycotoxins (myco = fungus; toxin = poison), and they
are very poisonous to humans.  

This poisoning of the body by mycotoxins is called mycotoxicosis.  Being
acids themselves, mycotoxins greatly worsen the acidity caused by diet.  
They are released into the blood as well as inside cells.  

The blood poisoning results in more cell and tissue poisoning, and all of this
further disturbs the microzymas, making us sick and tired.  Also, since many
of these poisons are acids, they chemically destroy or break down our cells
and tissues.  

The symptoms of disease show up in two primary modes: (1) an attempt by
the body to deal with toxic poisoning, and (2) a result of the action of toxins
on body chemicals, cells and tissues.  

A combination of these two primary modes is also common.  Most toxins are
the metabolic waste of yeast and fungus, and this includes a large number of
environmental chemical poisons we are exposed to.  

Primary mycotoxins are produced directly by the organisms, and secondary
mycotoxins are either breakdown products or products resulting from

Bacterial forms don't always evolve into fungus, nor does fungus always
become mold, the end-stage form.  

It depends on the particular form and the condition of the terrain.  In addition
to our own ability to generate various microforms, we also have them entering
the respiratory system and intestinal tract due to our exposure to the world at

Béchamp saw that in plants, bacterial
"invaders" appear to grow in the host
as they would in a lab culture.  But he concluded that what is really
happening is that their presence initiates similar development in the plant's
own bacterial/fungal precursors.  

He suggested that the same thing happens in humans, and that both cases
depend on prior susceptibility.  Thus, we may or may not experience such a
result from these

One might contract a yeast and/or fungal infection such as athlete's foot,
vaginal yeast infection, strep throat, or ringworm on the skin.  But s/he must
be predisposed to it internally.  At the other extreme is the person with AIDS,
who faces major, death-threatening yeast and fungus infection because of a
highly compromised terrain.  

Although the immune system can become stressed and lose its effectiveness
against yeast and fungus, anti-infectivity is not its primary role.  It cannot be
"first line of defense" as is commonly thought.  

By the time it comes into play to deal with infectious agents in the body, the
terrain's pH has already been compromised.  The only part of the immune
system that could be called a
"line of defense" is that which stands between
our inner terrain and the planetary environment--the mucosal barrier.  

The primary, ongoing role of inner immune function is that of an elegant
janitorial service.  It must constantly pick up and discard filth, including the
body's metabolic waste.  

It also deals with remnants of the 24 billion cells that die and are replaced
everyday!  It is so amazing that it not only picks up this waste, but recycles a
good deal of it.  

Without this service, we'd get rather choked up inside with debris.  But
immunity to infection does not, and cannot, create wellness.  Thus, infectious
immunity is a back-up system--a spare tire, if you will.  

A balanced biological terrain is the primary discouragement to morbid
microforms.  The misplaced emphasis on immunity and stimulating immune
function is an unfortunate hangover from germ theory.  

The result can be over-reliance on the system, so that most of us are riding
around on the spare tire all the time.  

Between the extremes of athlete's foot and AIDS are the yeast and fungus
overgrowths underlying symptoms such as diabetes, cancer,
atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, and more, including infections
which appear to be transmitted among humans.  

Most disease symptoms, chronic and degenerative ones, follow bacteria,
yeast and fungus, and their associated exotoxins and mycotoxins.  

In the 1930s and '40s, as many as one thousand compounds, classifiable as
mycotoxins, were studied by the pharmacology industry as potential
antibiotics.  Most were discarded as too poisonous for higher life forms to be
of value in treating bacterial symptoms.  

These toxicity studies actually outlined the dangers of these substances.  
What was identified was the whole spectrum of symptomologies produced by

Some researchers believe there are more than a thousand toxins produced
by yeast, fungus and mold.  

One common mycotoxin that is particularly troublesome is acetaldehyde.  It is
quite detrimental itself, yet also breaks down to other products (called
metabolites) including oxalic acid, lactic acid, uric acid, and alcohol.  

All are disruptive waste products of yeast and fungus and are found in the
flood and tissues of a compromised terrain.  Compounding the situation is
the fact that the presence of acetaldehyde and other mycotoxins causes the
liver to increase low-density lipoprotein in the blood.  

This high-cholesterol complex is used to bind with toxins, thereby
deactivating them.  The binding process is often referred to as chelation.  
However, the resulting substance also has the tendency to become oxidized
and stick to lesions (toxin damage) in the artery walls, producing

Minerals are used for chelating purposes also.  Acetaldehyde can reduce
strength and stamina, cause excessive fatigue, cloud thinking and take away
ambition.  One mechanism for these problems is that it directly destroys
neurotransmitters, which are chemicals responsible for completing all nerve

Another mechanism is that it can bind to the walls of red blood cells, making
them less flexible and therefore less able to get into and through the
capillaries of the circulatory system.  This causes starvation and oxygen
deprivation in the tissues.  

An added difficulty is that the liver converts acetaldehyde to the mycotoxin
alcohol.  DNA may also be damaged when excess acetaldehyde reacts with it,
creating the following symptom pictures: pancreatitis, cardiomyopathy,
dilated cardiomyopathy, brain atrophy dementia, atrophied brain with large
ventricles, jaundice, spider angina, enlarged spleen, stomach ulcers,
esophageal varicosity, ascites, cirrhosis, enlarged spleen, tremor, bleeding
tendency, bruising, ankle edema, and reddening of the palms, and others.  

Another example of the damaging effects of the waste products of yeast and
fungus is the mycotoxin cyclosporin.  This toxin suppresses the immune
system so greatly that it's used to prevent the rejection of transplanted

The irony is that people rarely get it directly from the fungus, but are dosed
with it by doctors doing transplants.  

Cyclosporin has been shown to cause cancer and atherosclerosis in all
humans who have been long-term survivors of transplants.  Other
mycotoxins, such as uric acid and oxalic acid, provoke symptoms ranging
from gout to kidney stones.  

Cancer and AIDS are nothing more or less than a cellular disturbance of the
electromagnetic balance, disorganization of the cellular microzymas, their
morbid evolution to bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold, and their ensuing
production of exotoxins and mycotoxins.  Cancer, therefore, is a four-letter
word--acid, especially lactic acid, a waste product of yeast and fungus.  

The amount of uric acid and acetaldehyde produced by yeast and fungus can
be overwhelming to the body.  When acetaldehyde is converted into alcohol
in the liver, the body is depleted of magnesium, sulfur, hydrogen, and
potassium, thus reducing cell energy.  

The body chelates uric acid and other toxins with fats, raising LDL
cholesterol.  In a similar balancing act, the body reacts chemically to
neutralize uric acid by binding it with minerals such as potassium,
magnesium, sodium, zinc, and calcium; this process further reduces mineral
supplies and can create deficiencies.  

Fungal hampering of red blood cells also reduces oxygenation.  The less
oxygen there is in the body, the more alcohol is produced, which can give the
symptoms of being drunk, disoriented, dizzy, or mentally confused.  

Acetaldehyde further reduces cell energy because it destroys essential
enzymes.  The immune system is provoked into trying to neutralize it and to
retard the yeast and fungus by releasing large amounts of free radicals.  

If body pollution is constantly generated, then immune response, our
amazing house-cleaning process, eventually becomes overloaded and
exhausted.  Thus, all immunological problems and infectious conditions are
caused or worsened by the presence of mycotoxins.  

Yeast and fungus take advantage of the body's weaker areas by poisoning
and overworking them, and by direct penetration of cells.  Yeast and fungus
have the bizarre ability to change shape--to turn into a hard-edged arrow.  
Once transformed, they can aggressively plunge into the cells of the body,
even penetrating the nucleus.  

The fungus can now damage the genetic structure by feeding on it.  
Eventually, the cell may be converted entirely from normal fermentative
metabolism (oxidative metabolism) to abnormal fermentative metabolism
(absence of oxygen)--Cancer.  

Since cancer is primarily a systemic condition that localizes, not a local
disease that spreads, it shows up in the body's weakest links.  These are like
dead zones; they carry a declining electromagnetic charge.  All healthy cells
carry an electromagnetic negative charge.  

All fermentative cells and their acids carry an electromagnetic positive
charge.  These rotting cells and their acids act like glue, which causes healthy
cells to attract and stick together.  This leads to oxygen deprivation and the
disturbance and disorganization of more healthy cells.  Simply put, healthy
cells begin to rot!  

Fermented cells can instigate the fermentation of other cells by fungal
penetration or by poisoning them and provoking a morbid evolution of their
inherent microzymas.  

Biopsies are a major cause of this by puncturing the capsule (tumor) that the
body creates to isolate the morbid mass, but it can happen by itself.  The
body is spoiling, fermenting, or going bad--molding just like cream cheese.  

In all cancer autopsies lactic acid or yeast, fungus and mold is found, and
sometimes both.  Perhaps the connection is not being made.  But medical
science is beginning at least to notice, if not recognize the significance of, the
presence of lactic acid and yeast in cancer.  

They are present in cancer, but are also present in the blood before cancer,
and without the presence of other symptoms for that matter!  Hopefully
biologists will approach the question of why and how the yeast gets into
someone's blood in the first place, rather than merely pursuing expensive
DNA research to see if they can kill it.  

This is the mental limitation imposed by the germ theory--spend millions to kill
a symptom of dietary and nutritional misguidance, without realizing that the
human organism itself is the main source of the yeast.  

The two primary parasites in all infectious and degenerative disease are of the
Aspergillus strain and the Mucor strain.  These morbid forms can change
rapidly when conditions change.  They can revert to their original state after
completing their recycling work.  A pool of lactic acid--the waste product of a
cancer microform--surrounds every cancer tumor, but the microform itself
may or may not be there.  

The Germ Theory of Disease Causation
By: Robert & Kerrie Broe  

The Germ Theory of Disease Causation