Were Early Humans
By: Sally Grande and Stephen Leckie
Some scientists are claiming
that humans are omnivores based on
observations of Chimps hunting and
eating meat.  This has more to do with
competing for the local fruit trees than
hunting for nutrition.  The Authors say:
“While chimpanzees are known to kill,
this behavior is not necessarily
dietary but ritualistic and their diet is
at least 94% Plants & Fruits.”  
Man's Dietetic Character
By: Herbert M. Shelton
Shelton is the expert when
it comes to the Human Anatomy, his
incredible knowledge on this subject
is far reaching and his conclusions  
regarding the Laws of Nature and
Man’s dietary requirements seem
incontrovertible.  All of his books and
articles are a joy to read and an
incredible learning experience that
could help prolong your life.  
“Man’s digestive tract is the same
as is found in the Frugivores.  
Man does not fall properly
into the class carnivora.”
Early Human Diet
Fruit Was The Staple
By: Boyce Rensberger, New York Times
Breakthrough discovery showing
prehistoric humans lived  
exclusively on a Fruit Diet.  
“Dr. Alan Walker an anthropologist
studying fossil teeth has led to the
startling conclusion that our early
human ancestors subsisted chiefly
on a diet of Fruit.”  
Of The Human Diet
By: Mark Blackburn, MBA
Mr. Blackburn gets it, he understands
the logical dietary history of humans.  
“The most recent and widely held view
of the historical diet of humans is that
early man was exclusively a Fruit eater.  
Anthropologist Dr. Alan Walker’s
research team has proven that our
ancestors until quite recently were total
Fruitarians.  Even though humans have
adopted omnivorous eating practices,
our anatomy and physiology have not
changed—we remain biologically a
species of Fruiteaters.”
Human Development
On A Fruit & Veggie Diet
By: Herbert M. Shelton
Frugivores developed larger brains than
Carnivores our teeth clearly demonstrate
that we are biological fruit eaters.  
"All the evidence points to fruits
as being the food of our adaptation.
Anthropologists have established that  
human culture and social organization  
arose from a background in nature as
a Fruit-feeding animal."  
Man The Hunted: Primates
Predators & Human Evolution  
By: Robert W. Sussman, Ph.D
Book Review By: Neil Schoenherr
Dr. Sussman makes the case that since our
teeth and anatomy are not designed to
consume flesh we did not hunt animals for
food, in fact he claims that humans were
the prey and not the predator.
Dr. Sussman says:
"Our intelligence, cooperation and
many other features we have as modern
humans developed from our attempts
to out-smart the predator."
Are Humans
Natural Frugivores?
By: Vasu Murti
Good article with plenty of quotes by
experts to show that humans are designed
by nature to subsist on a Frugivorous diet.  
"Humans are classified as primates and
are thus Frugivores.  Examination of the
dental structure of modern man reveals
that he possesses all the features of a
strictly herbivorous animal.  While
designed to subsist on vegetarian foods
he has perverted his dietary habits to
accept food of the carnivore."  
Fruitarianism & Vegetarianism
By: Herbert M. Shelton
Excerpted From:
The Hygienic System, Vol. II  
Classifying The Human Anatomy  
Review:  Excellent in-depth historic
analysis of the Human diet throughout
the centuries.  Shelton briefly
compares the Anatomy of Carnivores
& Frugivores and concludes that
Humans are: Unequivocally  
Anatomical Frugivores.
21 Articles
Early Human Diet
Are Humans
Natural Carnivores?
By: Harry Mather
Nice comparison of the human anatomy
and carnivorous animals
"Carnivores kill their prey and usually
eat it whilst still warm.  Human hunters
carry their prey home and cook it with
tasty herbs before they will eat it.  
Our front teeth are well adapted for
biting fruit and cutting up vegetables.  
Plant foods show themselves to be well
adapted for providing the wide
range of minerals and vitamins
that our bodies require."
Relating Chimpanzee Diets
To Early Human Diets
Nancy Lou Conklin-Brittain, Richard
W. Wrangham, Catherine C. Smith  
Harvard Researchers working in Uganda
discovered that chimps ate less than

1 percent of meat in their diet.
“Although a need for protein or fat
is often assumed to explain
  increasing amounts of hunting          
throughout hominid evolution,
do not have metabolic
demands for high
levels of protein or fat. Chimpanzees
were much more Frugivorous. They
maintained a fairlylow protein intake,

due to their focus on Fruit.”
The Comparative
Anatomy of Eating
By: Milton R. Mills, M.D.
Great Article, one of the Best studies
ever done comparing the human
anatomy with that of carnivores,
herbivores and omnivores.  
Dr. Mills concludes that humans are
anatomical frugivores.  
"While most humans are clearly
"behavioral" omnivores, the question
still remains as to
whether humans are anatomically  
suited for a diet that includes animal
as well as plant foods."
Natural Human Diet
According To Biological
& Evolutionary Evidence
By: Jonathan Reed
Excellent Comprehensive Article.
“Human teeth are not designed for
tearing flesh as in the Lion, Wolf or Dog,
but rather compare closely with other
fruit-eating animals.  Human teeth
correspond almost identically to the
Chimpanzees and other Frugivores.  
In conclusion, our natural diet should
consist primarily of Fruits, Nuts, and
Green Vegetables.”
Human Teeth
Wolf Teeth
Lion Teeth
Chimp Hunting
& Flesh-Eating
By: Laurie Forti
Great analysis of the Chimp diet,  
Chimps actually eat very little meat in
the wild and not everyone in the
family partakes of the meat.  More like
a trophy for defeating
a local group of
monkeys competing
for the same
fruit, than hunting
for nutrition.
"When we examine the way flesh is
captured, killed, distributed, and eaten,
 Chimp flesh-eating is merely a social    
  pathology, just as it is in the human.
If meat was necessary it would be
consumed by all on a regular
basis; it simply is not."
Chimp Teeth
Food For Thought:
Dietary Change Was A
Driving Force In
Human Evolution
By: William R. Leonard, Professor of
Anthropology at Northwestern Univ.
Laurie Forti: Reviews The Book:
Laurie Forti disagrees with the author
who is misrepresenting the facts
when it comes to early human diet.
"I am always amused by such pseudo
scientific claims regarding the great
wonders conferred to our species by
flesh-eating, when the proponents of
such claims can not explain just why
the human did not evolve the sharp,
pointy tools seen among all natural  
flesh-eaters, and especially why we
did not evolve instincts to capture,
kill, and eat flesh raw."  
Tasty Tidbits &
Dastardly Dietary Dogma
By: Laurie Forti  
Once again Laurie Forti with great
wit and intelligence challenges
“scientists” who claim that humans are
Omnivores.  Very logical, well-written.
"One of the most ridiculous and
persistent false claims made by
armchair nutritionists, meatarian
propagandists, and even academics,
is that the human species is an
"omnivore" that is, it should eat both
plant and animal matter.  Just looking
at our bodies will conclusively prove
that we do not have the claws or talons
necessary to catch and hold animal
prey, and we do not have the sharp,
shearing teeth necessary to tear,
not chew, animal flesh."
Humans are Omnivores
By: John McArdle, Ph.D
Laurie Forti:
Examines The Flimsy Evidence
Excellent review of scientific paper
distorting the facts regarding nutrition

and the human anatomy.
"Humans are totally incapable of
killing, tearing asunder, and consuming
raw their prey with their natural,
biological equipment, as all natural
omnivores do.  I have challenged
people who adamantly claim that they
are "omnivores" for over 35 years to
prove they are natural "omnivores" by
simply killing and eating raw a small
animal with their natural equipment,

and none has ever done so to actually
 test their irrational belief.  Not one."   
Comparative Anatomy
& Taxonomy
By: John Coleman
Short Article substantiating that
Humans are anatomical Frugivores.
"Humans prefer culture and technology
over nature, and since our natural role

is as a raw food herbivore, and because
our bodies are only suited to that role,
any significant perversion of it must,

and does, lead to ill health.  Our
anatomy is clearly unsuited to deal with
animal matter in the diet, however our
digestive chemistry can deal with animal
tissues and obtain some nutrition.  
But this does not indicate biological
suitability or desirability."  
The Heretic's Feast -
A History of Vegetarianism
By: Colin Spencer
Excerpt From The Book:
A brief history of the human diet.  
"Some anthropologists suggest that
our brain development did not begin
until red meat entered our diet.  If

there was a correlation between the
consumption of red meat and the
enlargement of brain cells, big cats
would have the largest brains and be
the dominant species in the world
today.  Research shows us that a
herbivore diet is by far the healthiest
and it may well be that a raw Vegetable
and Fruit diet, chosen from produce
in season, is the optimum healthy
diet, as it is so similar to the
diet of our evolution."
Meat In The Human Diet
By: John A. McDougall, M.D.
Great Article, written by a medical
doctor who understands the
connection between diet & disease.  
"The early ancestors of modern
humans, from at least 4 million
years ago, followed diets almost
exclusively of plant-foods.  The
ancestors of modern humans were
believed to live primarily on plant
foods, eating wild Fruits, leaves,
roots, and other high quality plant
parts with a few animal foods in their
daily diet.  These pre-humans ate like
our nearest primate relatives, the
apes of today.  Our dentition evolved
for processing starches, Fruits,
and Vegetables, not tearing
and masticating Flesh."   
Proteins In The Fruitarian Diet
By: Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
Another informative well written
article from the human anatomy
expert, Herbert Shelton.
"Physically, humans developed on
Fruits just as our primate relatives
in nature.  In consequence
anthropologists and biologists
have classified humans as Frugivores
or Fruit Eaters.  Our Meat-eating past
as civilized peoples has been limited
to recent times and has usually been
confined to those peoples living in the
far North.  Much of our history
indicates that our ancestors were
Fruitarians.  But, history books today
omit or falsify our past and our
Fruit-eating nature."  
The Paradise Diet
By: Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
Since Humans emerged from
equatorial Africa, Shelton suggests that
a Paradise Diet would have to come
from living in a warm climate where an
abundance of Fruit is available all year.  
“According to an ancient tradition, when
man first appeared he lived in a beautiful
orchard in which grew Fruits of many
kinds.  Man's diet throughout the historic
period in all favorable regions of the
earth has been predominantly Fruitarian.  
The food of primeval man consisted of
Fruit and Nuts of subtropical climes,
spontaneously produced; that on these
foods man was and may again become,
at least as free from disease as the
animals are in a state of nature."
Herbert M. Shelton
Mark Blackburn
Herbert M. Shelton
John McDougall, M.D
Herbert M. Shelton
Herbert M. Shelton